Although it sounds trivial, due to lack of vitamin D can affect many organs in the body, including bones and teeth. This vitamin D deficiency condition is not only experienced by infants and children, but can also occur in adults. Various factors can cause vitamin D deficiency, including lack of sun exposure, being overweight (obesity), and lack of consumption of foods containing vitamin D. Impact of Vitamin D Deficiency on Infants and Children Mild vitamin D deficiency generally does not show typical symptoms. But in conditions that are already severe, deficiency of vitamin D in infants can cause stiff muscles, cramps, even difficulty breathing. If it occurs in children, vitamin D deficiency can cause a variety of disorders, such as: Rickets. This condition will cause the child to experience pain in the leg bones, muscle aches, and muscle weakness. Growth disturbance. Vitamin D deficiency in children will have an impact on height growth disorders. Delay in tooth growth. Moo...